Wednesday August 27th
08.00 Welcome
08.30 3D Anatomy of the sinuses
08.45 Optimizing the Surgical Field
09.15 Radiological Planning for Surgery
09.30 Frontal Sinus Classification System
09.45 Endoscopic Modified Lothrop Technique
10.00 Coffee break
10.20 Demonstration of Planning Frontal Sinus Surgery using 3D Building Block Software
10.40 Candidates plan five CT scans. Plan model 1 in the end – all checked by faculty
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Demonstration of septoplasty, inferior turbinate surgery and middle meatal antrostomy model 1
14.00 Coffee Break
14.15 Candidates perform inferior turbinate surgery, middle meatal antrostomy and
frontal sinus dissection L and R side model 1
16.30 Demonstration of dissection of model 1
Thursday August 28th
08.00 Optimizing the nasal airway
08.15 How I perform a septoplasty to minimize tears
08.30 Septal perforation Repair
09.00 What is appropriate surgery for CRS and reasons for failure
09.20 Candidates plan anatomy of model 6
09.45 Coffee break
10.00 Candidates perform septoplasty and start to dissect frontal sinuses model 6
11.00 Demonstration of Model 6 with videos of actual surgery
11.30 Candidates plan anatomy of model 8
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Candidates dissect model 8 – frontal sinuses
14.00 Demonstration of Frontal Sinus Model 8 with videos of actual surgery, incl inverted papilloma resection
14.30 What is a full house FESS?
15.00 Outside coffee and End of Day
19.30 Course Dinner at Restaurant Rømer
Friday August 29th
08.30 Medical Management of CRS
08.45 Post-op Management
09.05 Endotype driven management of CRS post surgery and when to consider biologics
09.25 Complications to FESS and how to handle them
09.50 Demonstration of Frontal drillout (EMLP)
10.05 Coffee break
10.20 Candidates perform drillout on Model 1 and 8
12.30 Lunch
13.15 CSF leak – management and repair
13.35 Candidates continue to perform drillouts on model 1 and 8
14.30 Coffee Break
14.45 Candidates perform Prelacrimal approach or finish of drillouts
15.45 Evaluation
16.00 End